Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Migrating From MS Exchange Server 2003 To Office 365 Exchange Online Service

The date April 8, 2014 marked the end of Microsoft Help and Support services for the Windows XP operating system. Also, the support for a few other Microsoft software applications like MS Office 2003 suite and the MS Exchange Server 2003 also expired on that same day.

These two applications are very widely used in the corporate environment. Without the Microsoft Help and Support services for them, it would not be safe or practical to use them anymore. However, upgrading to the new Microsoft operating systems would require huge investment.

Upgrading to MS Office Cloud service package

Many corporate customers are wary about investing in the new versions of MS Office and MS Exchange Server applications. They reckon that these too would become obsolete in the next couple of years and the money they invested on them would go to waste.

This is why Microsoft has launched their software-as-a-service cloud platform. Here, you would no longer be purchasing the full version software applications for your organisation. Instead, you would be subscribing to a cloud service that will be upgraded periodically.

This means that you will be using the latest MS Office and MS Office Exchange application provided by Microsoft through their online cloud service. You need not worry about upgrading the latest software applications, or about the money you spent on purchasing software applications going to waste, when they become obsolete.

Use the Exoprise application to evaluate the benefits of this upgrade

Now, even after the End of Support date for the MS Office 2003 and MS Exchange Server 2003 applications, many corporate users are still not convinced about the benefits of upgrading to the new MS Office 365 cloud services. They are not sure about the return on investment they would get from subscribing to the MS Office 365 Exchange Online service as opposed to using a standalone Exchange Server application.

The recently released Exoprise CloudReady Insight application would help you in this task. This application is available for free to all the Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 users. When you install and run this application in your system, it would assess all the MS Office and MS Exchange Server needs of your organisations.

This application helps in planning the software migration, in checking the system readiness as well as in assessing the cost benefits of using the cloud subscription package as opposed to using a standalone Exchange Server solution.

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