Chrome, which controls a major share of the web traffic, comes from the house of Google. Chrome, which is fairly a stable browser application, may at times trouble you. The application may show difficulty in loading web pages and other online content. Troubleshooting these issues is quite easy. A simple uninstall and reinstall will fix the issues with your browser. Follow the instructions outlined below to troubleshoot Google Chrome.
Google Chrome support instructions
Follow the instructions briefed above to uninstall Google chrome browser from your computer. For more assistance and support on the same, drop into our Google Chrome support blog.
Google Chrome support instructions
- Switch on the system. Click the icon labeled admin account. Place the mouse pointer in the text space beneath the label Password. Enter your admin account password when prompted.
- Click on the Start orb placed on the bottom left corner of the home screen. Instead, you may use the shortcut Ctrl + Esc to launch the Start menu. Alternatively, you can launch the Start menu by pressing the key imprinted with the Windows key logo.
- From the Start menu, select the label that reads All Programs. The All Programs label will list down all the programs installed in your computer. From the All Programs list, select the label that reads Google Chrome.
- Click on the label that reads Uninstall Google Chrome.
- Also, select the label that reads Also delete browser data. This will delete your profile, preferences and browser history.
- Hit the OK button to uninstall Google Chrome. A dialogue box may prompt you to select another default web browser program.
- You can also uninstall Google chrome from the Control Panel window. To do this, first launch the Control Panel window. Press the Windows key as well the R key simultaneously. This will launch the Run command window.
- Place the mouse pointer in the Run command text space. Type Control Panel into the text space and hit Enter.
- This will make Windows launch the Control Panel window. Change the Control Panel window from category to classic by clicking the “Switch to classic view”.
- From the Control Panel window, select the label that reads Add or Remove Programs. From the Add or Remove Programs list, select the application you intend to remove, in this case Google Chrome browser.
- Scroll down the list until you find the label Google Chrome. Right click the selection. From the dropdown, select the label that reads Uninstall.
- This will launch the set up wizard. Follow the onscreen prompts to uninstall Google chrome browser from your computer. This may take some time to finish.
Follow the instructions briefed above to uninstall Google chrome browser from your computer. For more assistance and support on the same, drop into our Google Chrome support blog.
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